15 Minecraft와 같은 최고의 샌드박스 게임 – 2024

3. Subnautica

Subnautica is a survival game inspired by Oceans and the search for ways to survive on a faraway planet.

You can go on a journey through the ocean and discover unusual stones, crafting materials as well as other materials. Just like you need to fight Mobs on Minecraft, here you must face Ocean creatures of every kind.

It’s basically a Minecraft similar game that includes construction, exploration, and survival, 하지만, the battle takes place in the Oceans. It is a thrilling game that is full of excitement and adventure.


Pricing: $24.99

Platforms Available: 윈도우, macOS, 플레이 스테이션, 그리고 엑스박스

Download: Steam

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