15 Minecraft와 같은 최고의 샌드박스 게임 – 2024

Best Games Like Minecraft

이 섹션의, we’ve included 15 games that have a lot in common with Minecraft. They share the same theme of creating a unique world and safeguarding it. In addition, we’ve included games that have a theme of survival, which is an element of Minecraft.

그래서, let’s take a look at the list and discover other games that are similar to Minecraft.

1. Terraria

Terraria is a sandbox adventure like Minecraft in which you must traverse the vastness of forest to stay alive. It starts with a pickaxe as well as a sword to search for sources of food and also protect yourself from creatures like skeletons, zombies, or flying eyes.

But keep in mind that contrary to Minecraft’s 3D gameplay, you play a 2D game with linear development. In essence, you aren’t able to wander all over the place and must remain on one route.

하지만, the most appealing thing about Terraria is that it has thrilling explorations, crafting, combat, and mining, for which Minecraft is very popular.


Pricing: $9.99

Platforms Available: 윈도우, macOS, iOS, 기계적 인조 인간, 플레이 스테이션, 그리고 엑스박스


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