Topp 10 Survey Software

Living in an era dominated by data, grasping the thoughts of people is indispensable.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a scholar, or a researcher, constructing effective surveys serves as a potent method to garner insights and drive informed decisions.

i alla fall, navigating the expansive realm of survey software can be overwhelming. Fear not, for this guide unveils the top 10 survey software options, empowering you to select the perfect tool tailored to your requirements.

Topp 10 Survey Software

Google Forms: The Epitome of Simplicity

For those in pursuit of a user-friendly and cost-free solution, Google Forms stands as the epitome of simplicity. Seamlessly integrated with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), it facilitates swift and effortless survey creation. Featuring a clean interface and diverse question types (such as multiple choice, Likert scale, etc.), Google Forms excels in collecting basic feedback or conducting concise polls.


  • Free and easily accessible with a Google account
  • Intuitive interface facilitating effortless survey creation
  • Seamless integration with other Google apps like Sheets for streamlined data analysis


  • Limited customization options for survey design
  • Absence of advanced features such as branching logic or skip logic
  • Official Link: Google Forms

SurveyMonkey: The Versatile Solution

A stalwart in the survey domain, SurveyMonkey offers a robust platform catering to diverse needs. From elementary questionnaires to intricate surveys featuring branching logic and skip logic, SurveyMonkey empowers users to craft professional-looking surveys. It boasts an extensive question library, pre-built templates, and robust data analysis tools.


  • Comprehensive suite of features for creating complex surveys
  • User-friendly interface offering a variety of question types
  • Powerful data analysis tools equipped with filtering and reporting capabilities


  • Free plan imposes limitations on the number of questions and responses
  • Paid plans may prove expensive for individual users
  • Official Link: SurveyMonkey

Qualtrics CoreXM: The Dominant Force in Enterprises

Designed for large organizations seeking an all-encompassing solution, Qualtrics CoreXM stands out prominently. This enterprise-grade platform offers a vast array of features, including advanced survey logic, in-depth data analysis, and robust reporting tools. Qualtrics seamlessly integrates with various CRMs and business intelligence software, making it an ideal choice for comprehensive feedback management.


  • Unparalleled feature set for conducting complex surveys and managing feedback
  • Robust data analysis capabilities coupled with advanced reporting and visualization tools
  • Seamless integration with CRM and business intelligence software


  • Steeper learning curve compared to simpler options
  • Pricing may pose a deterrent for small businesses or individual users
  • Official Link: Qualtrics CoreXM

JotForm: The Repository of Templates

JotForm stands out as a versatile platform renowned for its extensive collection of pre-built templates. Whether it’s customer satisfaction surveys or employee feedback forms, JotForm offers a plethora of options to expedite your survey creation process. It features a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for easy customization and integrates seamlessly with a wide range of popular tools.


  • Extensive library of pre-built templates catering to various purposes
  • User-friendly interface facilitating drag-and-drop functionality
  • Integration with a diverse array of third-party applications


  • Free plan imposes limitations on the number of forms and responses
  • Access to advanced features might necessitate paid plans
  • Official Link: JotForm

QuestionPro: The Maestro of Analytics

QuestionPro excels in providing in-depth data analysis and reporting capabilities. Offering various question types, branching logic, and advanced features like skip logic, QuestionPro is ideal for conducting complex surveys. It shines with its robust reporting suite, enabling users to generate insightful reports featuring data visualizations and customizable dashboards.


  • Comprehensive features facilitating the creation of complex surveys
  • Powerful data analysis tools equipped with interactive reports and dashboards
  • Provision of white-labeling options for customized branding


  • Free plan imposes significant limitations
  • Pricing may be relatively higher compared to some competitors
  • Official Link: QuestionPro

Microsoft Forms: Tailored for the Microsoft Ecosystem

Microsoft Forms, a complimentary survey tool included in Microsoft 365 subscriptions, offers a user-friendly interface seamlessly integrated with other Microsoft applications like Excel for streamlined data analysis. Though lacking the richness of features found in dedicated survey software, Microsoft Forms presents a solid option for basic surveys within the Microsoft ecosystem.


  • Free for Microsoft 365 users
  • Simple interface facilitating swift survey creation
  • Seamless integration with other Microsoft applications


  • Limited features compared to dedicated survey software
  • Absence of advanced functionalities such as branching logic.

User Interviews: Elevating Qualitative Insights

User Interviews caters to individuals seeking deeper insights into user experiences. Going beyond conventional surveys, this platform facilitates one-on-one interviews, remote usability testing, and card sorting exercises. Integrated with popular tools like Slack and Zoom, User Interviews streamlines the process of collecting feedback.


  • Ideal for gathering qualitative feedback through interviews and usability testing.
  • Seamless integration with various communication and project management tools.
  • Offers features for card sorting and user journey mapping.
  • Primarily focused on qualitative research; not suitable for large-scale surveys.
  • Pricing structure may not be ideal for individual users.
    Official Link:

SurveySparrow: A Conversational Survey Experience

SurveySparrow introduces a conversational approach to surveys, enhancing engagement and interactivity for respondents. With a chat-like interface and question branching based on responses, SurveySparrow delivers a natural survey experience. Advanced features such as video polls and sentiment analysis further enrich the surveying process.


  • Conversational interface fosters engagement during surveys.
  • Offers advanced features like video polls and sentiment analysis.
  • Provides white-labeling options for customized branding.
  • Free plan comes with limitations on the number of responses.
  • Advanced features may require upgrading to paid plans.
    Official Link:

Constant Contact: Uniting Marketing and Surveys

While primarily an email marketing platform, Constant Contact also offers a solid survey creation tool. This makes it a convenient choice for businesses already utilizing Constant Contact for email campaigns. Surveys seamlessly integrate with email campaigns, enabling direct feedback collection from your audience.


  • Seamlessly integrates with Constant Contact email marketing platform.
  • Simple survey creation and distribution through email campaigns.
  • Suitable for businesses already utilizing Constant Contact services.
  • Limited survey features compared to dedicated survey software.
  • Not suitable for complex surveys or in-depth data analysis.
    Official Link:

Typeform: Embracing Aesthetic Appeal

Typeform stands out for its visually captivating and user-friendly interface. Surveys created with Typeform are more engaging, making them ideal for reaching a broader audience. While offering basic branching logic and integrations with various tools, its feature set may not be as extensive as dedicated survey software.


  • Beautiful and engaging survey interface enhances user experience.
  • Provides basic branching logic and integrations with various tools.
  • Free plan available for limited use.
  • Limited features compared to dedicated survey software.
  • Advanced features and higher response limits require upgrading to paid plans.
    Official Link:

Choosing the Right Survey Software: Final Considerations

Selecting the best survey software hinges on your specific needs and budget. Evaluate factors such as survey complexity, required features, target audience, and budget constraints.

By carefully assessing these aspects and exploring the options mentioned above, you can confidently choose the perfect survey software to gather valuable feedback and make informed decisions.

Emerging Players in Survey Software: A Sneak Peek

Looking beyond the giants, here’s a glimpse into the promising newcomers in the realm of survey software:

  1. Feedly: With a focus on interactive surveys seamlessly embedded on websites and mobile apps, Feedly stands out for its real-time data visualization and sentiment analysis capabilities, making it a go-to for measuring customer satisfaction.
  2. SurveyGizmo: Recognized for its user-friendly interface and robust reporting tools, SurveyGizmo caters to a wide spectrum of survey requirements. Its features include a clean layout, question branching, and integration with popular business intelligence tools.
  3. Alchemer: This versatile platform shines with its capacity to create surveys in multiple languages and effectively manage multilingual responses. Alchemer also excels in advanced data analysis and reporting, offering detailed insights into collected data.
  4. SoGoSurvey: Known for its intuitive interface and a surprisingly generous free plan, SoGoSurvey facilitates surveys with features like branching logic, skip logic, and piping. It integrates seamlessly with various tools and provides basic reporting functionalities.

Additional Insights: Crafting Impeccable Surveys

Selecting the right software is just the beginning. Here are some supplementary tips to ensure your surveys are impactful and yield valuable insights:

  1. Clearly define your objectives: Identify the information you aim to collect and pinpoint your target audience.
  2. Keep it concise: Avoid overwhelming respondents with lengthy surveys; keep questions succinct and focused.
  3. Formulate clear, understandable questions: Steer clear of jargon and ensure questions are easily comprehensible.
  4. Diversify question types: Incorporate multiple-choice, Likert scales, and open-ended questions to capture diverse perspectives.
  5. Pilot test your survey: Conduct a small-scale trial run with a sample group before launching the full survey.
  6. Consider incentivizing participation: Offer rewards or discounts to boost response rates, although this is optional.
  7. Express gratitude: Thank respondents for their time and valuable feedback, acknowledging their contribution.

By adhering to these strategies and harnessing the capabilities of top survey software, you can craft surveys that efficiently gather insights, enabling informed decision-making. Så, embark on your survey journey, unlock the treasure trove of knowledge, and make informed strides forward.

Specialized Surveys: Unique Considerations

While the aforementioned software options offer a wide array of features, there are instances where specialized tools are necessary for particular survey types. Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Employee Engagement Surveys: Platforms such as Culture Amp and Peakon offer tailored features for assessing employee satisfaction and sentiment. These include sentiment analysis, employee lifecycle tracking, and anonymous feedback mechanisms.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Surveys: For evaluating satisfaction levels regarding specific interactions, tools like Delighted and Hotjar stand out. They provide functionalities like in-app surveys, real-time feedback options, and seamless integration with customer relationship management (CRM) software.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys: Specialized platforms like and Wootric focus on measuring customer loyalty and willingness to recommend. They offer automated NPS calculation, trend analysis, and tools for addressing feedback from detractors (unhappy customers).
  • Market Research Surveys: Tools such as Qualtrics XM and SurveyLab are designed for conducting extensive market research. They support complex sampling methods, efficient panel management, and advanced data analysis capabilities.

The landscape of survey software is dynamic, with several trends shaping its future trajectory:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI-driven features such as automated question generation, sentiment analysis, and real-time data insights will become increasingly prevalent in survey creation.
  • Omnichannel Surveys: The seamless collection of feedback across multiple channels (e.g., hemsida, e-post, SMS, social media) will provide a comprehensive understanding of customer experiences.
  • Mobile-First Design: Given the rising usage of mobile devices, survey software will prioritize mobile-friendly interfaces and functionalities to ensure optimal response rates on smartphones and tablets.
  • Focus on Privacy and Security: In response to heightened data privacy concerns, survey software will emphasize robust security measures and compliance with regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

By keeping abreast of these trends and harnessing the expanding capabilities of survey software, organizations can ensure that their feedback gathering methods remain effective and adaptable for the future.

Moving Beyond the Checkbox: Exploring Alternate Data Collection Techniques

While surveys remain a valuable instrument, they represent just one facet of feedback acquisition. Consider these alternative methodologies to deepen your comprehension:

  1. In-Depth Interviews: Engaging in one-on-one interviews allows for delving deeper into specific subjects, offering nuanced insights beyond the scope of surveys.
  2. Focus Groups: Convening a small cohort for a moderated discussion encourages interactive exploration of topics, yielding qualitative data of considerable depth.
  3. Usability Testing: Directly observing user interactions with your website, Ansökan, or product unveils usability challenges and highlights areas for enhancement.
  4. Customer Journey Mapping: Visualizing the customer’s interaction with your brand helps pinpoint touchpoints and potential pain areas that surveys may overlook.
  5. Social Media Monitoring: Tracking brand mentions and customer interactions on social media platforms furnishes valuable insights into sentiment and feedback.

Ethical Considerations in Survey Design and Data Collection

When crafting surveys and gathering data, ethical considerations must take precedence. Here are some vital principles to uphold:

  1. Informed Consent: Ensure respondents comprehend how their data will be utilized and secure explicit consent before data collection.
  2. Anonymity and Confidentiality: Safeguard respondent privacy by offering anonymous surveys or transparently delineating how data will be anonymized.
  3. Bias Mitigation: Formulate impartial questions that do not sway respondents towards specific responses.
  4. Transparency: Clearly articulate the survey’s purpose and disclose who will utilize the collected data.
  5. Data Security: Implement robust security measures to safeguard respondent information.

Adhering to these ethical guidelines ensures that survey practices are responsible, respectful, and yield dependable data.

Slutsats: Leveraging the Power of Feedback

In today’s data-centric landscape, adeptly gathering and analyzing feedback is paramount for success. By selecting appropriate survey software, exploring specialized tools, and integrating alternative data collection techniques, a wealth of insights can be unlocked.

Prioritizing ethical considerations and fostering a feedback-oriented culture within your organization is imperative. With the right strategy, feedback can serve as a potent catalyst for growth and positive transformation.