Aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq – windows.microsoft.com/recoverykeyfag

Aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq – Microsoft 복구 키 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

ka.ms/recoverykeyfaq – Microsoft recovery key, BitLocker recovery key, or Windows recovery key is a unique key that was automatically generated when encrypting the particular drive with BitLocker drive encryption.

The BitLocker recovery key is generated when a drive is encrypted using BitLocker. The Microsoft recovery key can be used to decrypt/unlock the encrypted drive if the user loses or forgets his/her password.

BitLocker recovery key is placed in a .BEK file named like BitLocker Recovery Key: 444C8E16-45E7-96CE-4F23-3B3FA04D2189.BEK:

BitLocker recovery key format: 44334-197472-399399-315590-419595-387156-320562-361383

The BitLocker recovery key is used to unlock your BitLocker drive when you lost the password or not working.

Now let’s check out Microsoft 복구 키 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and its answers.


내 BitLocker 복구 키란??

BitLocker 복구 키는 고유한 48자리 숫자 암호입니다.. It can be used to open your system if BitLocker is otherwise incompetent to confirm for confidence that the try to access the system drive is authorized.

이 BitLocker 복구 키는 Microsoft 계정에 저장될 수 있습니다., 파일로 저장 또는 인쇄, 또는 장치를 운영하는 조직과.

이러한 경우 복구 키의 필요성은 BitLocker가 데이터를 보호하는 중요한 구성 요소입니다..

또한 읽기휴대폰 앱을 사용하여 휴대폰을 Windows PC에 연결하는 방법?

Where is the BitLocker recovery key stored in windows 10?

  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored on a USB flash drive
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be physically printed
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored as a txt file
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored in your Microsoft account
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored to your Azure Active Directory account

Where is the BitLocker recovery key stored in windows 8?

  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored as a txt file
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be physically printed
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored in your Microsoft account
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored on a USB flash drive

Where is the BitLocker recovery key stored in windows 7?

  • BitLocker Recovery key may be physically printed
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored as a txt file
  • BitLocker Recovery key may be stored on a USB flash drive

What is BitLocker recovery key ID?

  • BitLocker recovery key ID is the BitLocker recovery key identifier.
  • If the BitLocker recovery key ID matches the one shown on your drive, you can open that drive.
  • If the BitLocker recovery key ID doesn’t match the one shown on your drive, you must obtain the correct recovery key. Otherwise, you can’t open that drive.

How to get the BitLocker recovery key with the recovery key ID?

  •  If you are a domain user, then please talk to your administrator to get the BitLocker recovery key according to the recovery key ID.

How to verify if the BitLocker recovery key is correct?

  • To verify if the BitLocker recovery key is valid, compare the start of the full Microsoft BitLocker recovery key identifier with the recovery key ID value.

How to find BitLocker recovery key ID value?

  • The BitLocker recovery key ID is presented on the BitLocker recovery screen for the BitLocker encrypted OS volume.

또한, 관련 게시물 확인:

Is there a BitLocker recovery key generator?

  • No, every Microsoft BitLocker drive has its own unique BitLocker recovery key.

Windows에서 내 BitLocker 복구 키를 요구하는 이유?

BitLocker는 드라이브를 암호화하고 드라이브를 열기 전에 하나 이상의 인증 요소를 요구하여 불법 액세스로부터 데이터를 보호하는 Windows 암호화 기술입니다., 일반 Windows 사용 또는 비공식 액세스 평가판 여부.

Windows는 데이터에 대한 불법적인 액세스 시도일 수 있는 안전하지 않은 상태를 식별하기 위해 BitLocker 복구 키가 필요합니다..

이 추가 단계는 데이터를 안전하고 안전하게 유지하기 위한 보안 관리입니다.. 일부 펌웨어, 소프트웨어 또는 하드웨어 변경은 BitLocker가 가능한 공격에서 발견할 수 없는 상황을 나타낼 수 있습니다..

BitLocker는 이러한 경우 복구 키의 추가 보안이 필요할 수 있습니다., 사용자가 장치의 승인된 소유자인 경우에도. 이것은 장치를 열려고 하는 장치의 승인된 사용자인지 완전히 확인하기 위한 것입니다..

How do I get my BitLocker recovery key?

그만큼 BitLocker recovery key is a unique 48-digit numerical password used to unlock your system.

Depending on the choices made when activating BitLocker, your retrieval key can be in many different locations. BitLocker ensures that the recovery key is safely backed up before enabling security.

Microsoft 계정에서: Sign in to your Microsoft account on another device to find your recovery key in your Microsoft account.

자동 장치 암호화를 지원하는 최신 장치가 있는 경우, the recovery key will be in your Microsoft account. 이상, see Device Encryption in Windows 10.

If the device is set up or another user enables BitLocker protection, the recovery key may be in that user’s Microsoft.

On the printout you saved: Your recovery key may be on the printout saved when BitLocker was activated. See where you keep important papers related to your computer.

USB 플래시 드라이브에서: Plug a USB flash drive into your locked PC and follow the instructions. If you saved the key on the flash drive as a text file, use a different computer to read the text file.

In Azure Active Directory Account: If your device is signed in to an organization using a work or school email account, your recovery key may be stored in the Azure AD account of the organization associated with your device.

You may access it directly, or you may need to contact the system administrator to access your recovery key.

Powered by your system administrator: 기기가 도메인에 연결된 경우 (usually work or school device), ask the system administrator for your recovery key.

참조: support.microsoft.com


그게 다야 Aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq – Microsoft 복구 키 FAQ. 나는 당신이 이 기사를 좋아하기를 바랍니다, 그리고 많은 도움이 되었습니다, 그러나 이것과 관련된 문제에 직면하면 Aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq, 댓글 섹션에 댓글을 남겨주세요.. 나는 모두를 돕는 것을 좋아한다. 감사해요!

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